I live in perpetual conflict. My spirit longs for somewhere else. My body doesn’t want to leave the house.
My spirit wonders how it would feel to walk a blinding white beach with a warm ocean kissing his feet. He wanders on the world on the internet.
My body wonders what time the trash will be picked up. She wanders to the market for a sale on meat. Otherwise, she calls to have her groceries delivered.
My spirit whispers to my body, it’s free to look; you don’t have to get out of your office chair.
My body agrees to look. She looks at cost of living, total population, weather, medical care, natural disasters, and crime statistics.
My spirit bangs his head against the wall.
My body says there’s no place like home.
My spirit wanders to the bar for a drink.
My body locks the door.
My spirit always forgets to take the house keys. It will be a while before he gets back in.
published in Contemplate