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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

The Myth of Belonging

Updated: Sep 16

I take a mental snapshot 

of this building I call home. 

We thought it was the place 

that we could die for. 

And die in. We built it 

into everything we craved. 

But now we hear the call 

of somewhere else that we

could float to in a shell, 

to reach the shore 

of beauty and belonging.

This shell is sad reminder

that the bubble of my hopes

is just a fragile, weightless myth

recorded in a snapshot

of a building I call home.

inspired by:

published in Medusa's Kitchen:

published in Substack:

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11 komentářů

Robbie Cheadle
Robbie Cheadle
(12. 9.)

This is very poignant, Nolcha.

To se mi líbí
Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
(12. 9.)
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Thank you, Robbie!

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Björn Rudberg
Björn Rudberg
(11. 9.)

I think most people would benefit to resettle every once in a while...

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Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
(11. 9.)
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I agree, resettling brings new awareness of what is loved and lost.

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(10. 9.)

All the poignancy of the seashell and more...that emptiness is galling.

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Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
(10. 9.)
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Galling indeed. I can't put my finger on exactly why this new place is calling, and I see how little it takes to move a heart.

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(10. 9.)

A very poignant write. Thank you for sharing!

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Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
(10. 9.)
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Hi Lillian - and thank you for the prompt and the comment!

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(10. 9.)

I’m in a similar position,Nolcha, only I want to move on to be with my daughter and grandsons. I love the thought of floating in a shell and these lines especially:

‘This shell is sad reminderthat the bubble of my hopes

is just a fragile, weightless myth’.

Kim R.

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Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
(10. 9.)
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Thank you, Kim. I understand you wanting to be closer to family. I thought our current home would be it, but now... now I don't know, and I don't entirely understand the attraction of this new place.

To se mi líbí
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