Up and Down
Once was waves and boats,
then diving underwater
for a swim among the fish.
Air depleting, back to boat,
an up-and-down ride home.
Now I watch the flowers
sprout, the trees leaf out,
the bees and butterflies return.
Then the flowers wither,
leaves fall down.
Not So Much Fun
We didn’t worry about cancer when I was a child,
I frolicked in bathing suits each summer.
Now I’m all covered, no body parts showing,
in case I start glowing or growing something alien.
There’s no such thing as fun in the sun.
Not Lost
We traveled through a strange town at sundown.
As we passed the same people
on the same corner for the third time,
our gas tank nearly empty. My husband said,
“Who needs maps? We’re not lost, we’re touring.”
published in Medusa's Kitchen: