An empty lot,
a moonless night,
the only light
some broken bulbs
that swing from spider webs.
A door that creaks.
The handle melts.
I walk into a lobby
filled with broken vows
and wilted flowers.
I pull my body down a hall
of crooked doors
that open up to
bedrooms full of
porcelain dolls.
The hall ends at a window
opened to a pit
of black despair.
I have no other place
to go and so I …..
published in Entropy
I left a comment on your medium posting.
Every line grabs me, but these get at the heart of this despair-filled nighttime hotel as you walk us through: "I walk into a lobby
filled with broken vows
and wilted flowers." The melting objects, the hallucinatory dolls, a vision of a space leading to one destination. The poetic voice to me is so reminiscent of the Eagles' "Hotel California." Same vibe, so well done!