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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

Not Again!

Updated: Aug 20

I can’t imagine why my shoes

are never in agreement.

Once again they will not point

toward the same direction.

One wants to walk the scenic route

to view the beach below.

The other wants to kick its heel

and fly above the clouds.

This is a study in despair

in which I make no headway.

I only hope I get back home

in time to make my dinner.

response poem to:


published in Substack:

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2 commentaires

20 août

Oh Nolcha this is brilliantly done. Satire and absurdity are favourites of mine. I wanted to chat somewhere about how your book launch went.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
21 août
En réponse à

Are you on Facebook/Messenger? Or, we can chat via email. Mine is

The book launch will be September 4. We can talk afterwards. Looking forward to it!

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