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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

Drunk on Summer

Updated: Aug 28

The waning days of summer pretend to be the main course, not the leftovers. They pile my plate with second and third blooms of orange lilies, pink hollyhocks, purple and white columbine, and the purple dragons of lamium. “Feast, feast!” the birds tweet as they swoop and dive, a deliberate distraction from the burning bush leaves turning to fire, the maple leaves oozing into red, and the random cottonwood branches sporting yellow leaves.

The bees are drunk on pollen.

Butterflies pull them over,

make a citizen’s arrest.

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14 comentarios

29 ago

A wondrous menagerie of summer images, with the foreshadowing of Autumn ones waiting in the wings. What a clever haiku at the end!

Me gusta
Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
30 ago
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Thank you! That haiku was lots of fun to write.

Me gusta

28 ago

Love the personification of the butterflies and the bees!

Me gusta
Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
30 ago
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Thank you, Kimberly!

Me gusta

27 ago

Really, superb..this is a haibun

Me gusta
Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
28 ago
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I'm glad you like it - I submitted it to Beautiful Haibun!

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Kim Russell
Kim Russell
27 ago

I love the title of your haibun, Nolcha, the use of colour, and the meal analogy, but my favourite part is the haiku – you must have had so much fun with this one!

Me gusta
Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
28 ago
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Thank you, Kim! I did have fun with it!

Me gusta

26 ago

The bees are drunk on pollen.

Butterflies pull them over,

make a citizen’s arrest.”

Love it!🐝

Me gusta
Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
27 ago
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Hi, Melissa 😁

Me gusta
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