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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

Cloud Surveyor

Hope cannot be bound and chained 

to stone paths or brick walls.

She does not live 

behind closed doors.

No potted plants

can tame her.

She mounts the stairs,

a brilliant blast of light

that leaves eyes tearing,

as she rises through the clouds

to castles in the sky.

inspired by:


and the prompt, cloud surveyor, in the Garden of Neuro Poetry Circle

published in Substack:

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4 Σχόλια

20 Αυγ

Addicted to your poetry. Addicted-

I already have favourites, even with only having started to dip in, and this one...........I wish I had taken the time earlier to find out what a wonderful world has been opened for me on these pages.

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Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
21 Αυγ
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Thank you, I'm honored!

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Nicole Horlings
Nicole Horlings
15 Αυγ

Fantastic poem, Nolcha! I love the contrast between real brick walls and castles in the sky.

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Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
21 Αυγ
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Thank you, Nicole - I'm glad you caught that!

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