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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

Can’t Change It

Updated: 3 days ago

Life is a vending machine

that disguises my choices

as panda-painted Chow Chows.

My selections are stuck

in the cogwheels of karma.

It dispenses time declining

in a form that I can’t stomach.

And it never ever

gives me back my change.

inspired by the day 25 prompt, haunted vending machine, in the Garden of Neuro Institute Poetry Circle, and

published in Substack:

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3 days ago

The conceit works perfectly, however broken the vending machine. What is stolen, what is lost in the "cogwheels of karma" is something experience never prepares us for. What a brillinat use of extended metaphor, Nolcha!

~~ Dora

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thanks, Dora, I'm glad you caught that! I'm never ready for the surprises life throws me.


3 days ago

"My selections are stuck

in the cogwheels of karma."....As Time marches on everything will be sorted out hopefully. Smiles. Sumana

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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I had lots of fun with this poem, Sumana. Weird fun, but fun. Thanks!


4 days ago

Oh that image at this time in the afternoon when I would love a n unhealthy snack. LOL. Our choices in life can be that random and yet, when all is said and done, they seem to get us to where we need to be. I enjoyed your poem.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thanks, Sherry! Those naughty little snacks.....

Wix makes me crazy. As I understand it, a guest doesn't have to sign in, but a member does (at least initially) - and the member names appear with the post. Guests appear with the name Guest.

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