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Image by Cora Leach

Basement Buddies

Writer's picture: Nolcha FoxNolcha Fox

Fear and Anxiety live in the basement.

They complain it’s too expensive

to find another headspace,

and mine is so comfortable.

They added a bathroom

and a ping-pong table.

I smell Chinese food delivery

every time I walk by the door.

They say they just hooked up. 

But they ramble on like the odd couple 

paired for years, wanting to retire 

but have too many obligations 

and friends to pester—or haunt. 

They’re squatters, refusing to leave 

my cushy digs.

Fear and Anxiety need couple counseling.

They bicker about who is worse, and who

left the toothpaste on top of the toaster,

and where to go out for a fright.

Earplugs can’t keep me from hearing

the screaming, my poor brain is steaming.

Sleep left the house for a cruise.

Fear complains about the past, Anxiety, 

the future. I bite my nails. Beg Sleep to 

rescue me. Sleep, long gone, left me some

red wine, bitter chocolate, and espresso. 

I find Fear’s journals and curl up with Anxiety 

to read Fear’s secrets. Hair-raising stories of falling 

out of planes in flight, battling hairy arachnids, 

running from snakes, facing job interviews. 

Sleep has a nightmare of

losing her way on the freeway,

and getting side-ended by a drunk driver.

She schedules 10 session with a therapist

and sends Fear and Anxiety the bill.

Fear and Anxiety move out 

of my basement before thugs

beat them for the money.

Thank you, sweet Sleep.

written with Barbara Leonhard, published on Substack:

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