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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

Autumn Dream

Leaves dress up in lipstick red and lemon gold to dance in wind that chills the bones. One by one, leaves kiss the ground, goodbye to summer’s blooms. Too soon, the leaves will crinkle brown and crumble to the touch. Autumn isn’t long enough to tire of time that turns to ash in fireplaces, not long enough to pull out sweaters hidden from the heat. I’d like more days of sun that slants and sleeps in teacups cooling in my hands. Autumn is a dream that ends in white.

Too soon 

I’ll wake 

to flakes of snow.  

inspired by:

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3 days ago

HI Nolcha, this is a wonderful haibun. I am not a fan of autumn because winter comes next. I don't like cold weather. Robbie

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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We moved from Los Angeles, the land of no seasons, to Wyoming, with four seasons (more, if you count tourist season, fly season, construction season.....) I enjoy the seasonal changes, but not always everything that goes with each season. I don't mind winter when I'm inside and cozy warm.


3 days ago

"Autumn is a dream that ends in white."

True. :)


Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thank you, Kitty! I'd like that dream to last longer.


3 days ago

I love the elegant simplicity of y9ur haiku.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thank you, Kim!


4 days ago

i adore the image of sunlight sleeping in a teacup! thank you! <3 xx, ren

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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I commented on your poem in your blog. I subscribed, so I'm looking forward to enjoying more of your poetry!


4 days ago

Such melancholy! I know many of us have said how much we love autumn, but like you, I can't help but feel apprehension for what's ahead. (Jane)

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thank you, Jane! If it weren't for the ice I can't see, winter would be just dandy. I'm not anxious to fall again and break more bones.

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