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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

Along the Trail

Updated: Sep 13

I met myself with all my faults

that shook the rocky path.

I dusted off all my mistakes

and laid them end to end.

My errors stretched from

where I stood to three 

miles past my home.

I found pardon for my sins,

forgave my harsh disparagement

and saw my blunders

vanish into happiness 

and setting sun when

I reached my front door.

inspired by:

published in Substack:

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Robbie Cheadle
Robbie Cheadle
Sep 14

A most interesting poem, Nolcha. I was lovely to see Barbara and you in your FB launch video.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
Sep 14
Replying to

Thank you, Robbie - I'm so glad you attended!


Sep 13

I love this, Nolcha, the sensible way to work things out and think things through – a good walk. Kim R.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
Sep 13
Replying to

Thanks, Kim! Walking is better than a therapy session, and less expensive.


Sep 13

At least you found your way home.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
Sep 13
Replying to

Yes, at least I got home.


Björn Rudberg
Björn Rudberg
Sep 13

Such a good solution... walking long or short often makes problems lessen or solved.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
Sep 13
Replying to

I agree, walking helps me gain perspective and loosen my burdens.

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