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Image by Cora Leach
  • Writer's pictureNolcha Fox

Again a Solar Equinox

Updated: 3 days ago

Another chance for perfect balance, harmony comes twice a year. At least up in the heavens. If I could be in perfect balance, I would be stuck in place. Instead, I am a clock that skips the seconds, hangs on hours. I am a teeter out of totter, bouncing in the wind. I am discordance in fast forward, with no melody.

The sun will have 

to harmonize 

without me.

inspired by:

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4 days ago

Love, love the haiku!

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thanks, Petru! Good to see you here!


5 days ago

I am a teeter out of totter, too.😅

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Kim Russell
Kim Russell
5 days ago

So nicely done, Nolcha, especially the idea of being ‘a clock that skips the seconds, hangs on hours’. The haiku sums up how I feel at the moment too.

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thank you, Kim! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Björn Rudberg
Björn Rudberg
5 days ago

I wonder if being in harmony with the clock really makes any sense

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Being in harmony with the clock, being in step with time, sounds like a good idea. That hasn't been my experience.


Frank J. Tassone
Frank J. Tassone
6 days ago

Love your metaphors, especially a "teeter out of totter." Wonderfully done!

Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
3 days ago
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Thank you, Frank - and thanks for the prompt!

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